
Friday, December 15, 2006

And we didn't think he'd finish high school

You may remember this trustworthy young man?

He got into college! Early! No more writing of painful painful essays! A ready answer to holiday party questions about his plans for the future! He can use Dylan to pick up college girls!

(he's going to Swarthmore)

We left Dylan at daycare today for three hours because I had a meeting, and the only time I stopped in she was asleep. Every single time I have gone to get her or feed her she has been 1) asleep, 2) screaming, or 3) whimpering because she's too tired to be hysterical anymore. It is draining, to say the least, for me and for her. And I don't get much of a break when she's there because I have to go in so often and I am anxiously waiting for them to call the rest of the time. They took the babies out for a walk today, which she liked. I think they're not used to three month olds who want such constant entertainment. I am sure things will get better for her once she gets more mobile and can eat solids, but in the meantime it's going to be hard.

I got her to (grudgingly) take two ounces of milk from a bottle yesterday, and they got her to take one ounce from a sippy cup today.



Aaron said...
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Anonymous said...

Dear Suave Young Man in the Picture,
Based on this picture, we have decided to withdraw our offer of admission.


Anonymous said...

With such style how could they reject me?


Anonymous said...


Aaron said...

Stripes is a misleading title for the above picture. As the photographer it wasn't necessarily all the parallel lines that interested me, but rather the dainty way my three month old had her hand on her hip. Take a second look, it's there.