
Friday, November 17, 2006

Look someone took a picture of me

I assume you've been wanting to know how the insurance situation is going. It's my new hobby, actually. I have all the paperwork next to my model trains and stamps. The meeting went well as far as I could tell, although there was some confusion about whether student loans are income. If it is, if I take a cash advance on my credit card is that income? Awesome. So hypothetically everything should be all set and we'll get the card in December and I won't have to deal with this for, oh, a few weeks until I go back to work and my income changes and I'll have to figure that out then. Plus we got the bill for the fancy insurance, which was lots and lots of money, but at least we all had insurance the whole time and that was was I was going for. Bleeech, enough already. I'll even stop posting about this unless something interesting happens.

I'm ready to trade Dylan in for a new one because she won't go to sleep for me anymore. I hand her over to Aaron, he walks her around the house for 30 seconds, sings the wrong words to Baby Beluga, and she's out. Every single time. Her night sleep has been pretty consistent for the past month -- she goes to bed later than I want to, but consistently sleeps for many many hours. Her naps are getting more regular some days, although others she just can't seem to stay asleep.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

yay! that's awesome she got a spot at the local day care. how convenient. i applaud the turn of events.
ps- health care is scary.