
Wednesday, November 22, 2006

Now I know I'm not alone

Thank you all for your support about my little bladder problem (see comments from the last post). It is so wonderful to have such an understanding community. I e-mailed the Monroe County jury guy (nothing but the facts, of course) and I'll give you an update when he gets back to me.

Dylan is still sleeping through the night like a champion but going to bed at times ranging from annoyingly late to ungodly hours I don't like to know exist. Nothing I have done has been able to change this in any way. I think a big part of the problem is that she falls asleep nursing only to wake up again 20-30 minutes later when she needs to spit up.

I made a loaf of bread with this cool recipe introduced to us with a wonderful loaf from Ali and Tom. It came out perfectly:
Snuffy thought so too (this was taken 10 minutes later):

As long as we're being supportive, Aaron has a strange elfin growth on top of his head. Please don't mention it to him, he is very sensitive about it.

1 comment:

Mummy Potter said...

This is a test to see if my new google account works. I applaud all of those who have given their full, some might say bloated, support to Kate during her current inconvenient situation.