
Monday, August 27, 2007

Dylan Mongering

Last week we took Dylan to an evening FESTIVAL they had at daycare. To Aaron's delight it had a bounce house, despite the sad fact that no one in our party fit the target age/height/weight demographic. Nor did Dylan fit the profile for the face painting, arts and crafts, or, at least I like to think, the greasy greasy food truck. She was suspicious of the cotton candy and too tired at the end of the day to play on the playground. So what, you ask, did we participate in? I believe it was called the Fear Mongering booth. It was a quiet booth off to the side, with few children. I know now that that should have raised red flags. But when the nice woman smiled as I walked over I thought she must have an activity for Dylan. And she did: fingerprinting. Along with distribution of helpful materials to help fend off kidnappers (motto: kidnapping--it's not just for strangers). I also have some trading cards sent home a few weeks ago with her school picture on them, presumably to hand out to the police and their friends should a kidnapping occur.

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