
Monday, October 29, 2007


Dylan was playing around the corner of the living room yesterday when she started making her trademark irritated whining noise. She didn't sound like she was in pain and she wasn't trying to cling to me like some kind of annoying animated suction toy, which together account for 85% of all Dylan squawking. I was delighted to round the corner and find this sight awaiting me:

I of course laughed and went to find the camera while Dylan struggled to get out, arms a-flailing. She did eventually break free:

I have been giving Dylan buffalo or goat milk yogurt for breakfast, which she loves. Over the weekend our friends loaned us their yogurt maker and gave us some fresh raw goat milk, so we now have a large supply of homemade yogurt if you need any. It's not something I ever imagine making ourselves, but it's really good.

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