Height: 30.5in = 88th percentile
Weight: 19lbs, 11oz = 28th percentile (approx 17lbs Thigh, 2.75lbs Other)
All is well. She's pointing at the ceiling at a 15-month level. We're so proud.
The dark circles under her eyes (I don't know if anyone else has ever noticed them) are probably related to a dairy allergy. Everyone likes to start pouring cow's milk into babies once they turn one, but I've had enough suspicions about Dylan's relationship with dairy that I haven't done it yet. She won't drink it anyway so they give her soy milk at daycare. I may try eliminating most dairy to see if I can get the circles to go away, but that is going to be tough because it's our main source of protein and it's in everything anyway.
As long as this is serving as the baby book, here is some stuff Dylan does right now. 10 days in, year 2 is way better than year 1.
- Eats effectively with a spoon (?!) when the mood strikes. This is good since she hasn't let me feed her anything in months
- Stands on her own for a few seconds until she realizes what's happening (Wile E. Coyote style)
- Climbs up stairs easily, but not down
- Signs more, thirsty (it's been a while since she did this one), book (she's not good at this, but she tries and she also tries to say it). She also has some signs she made up herself for various things that she apparently thinks we should understand.
- Says dog, bottle, and dada appropriately (also inappropriately). Says mama meaning food (we're pretty sure about that)
- Pats Snuffy nicely
- Unrolls the toilet paper and floss at every opportunity
- Helps get her arms through the arm-holes, finally, hallelujah
- Barks whenever she sees any animal of any kind, or in response to "What does a doggie say?"
- Points and gets excited every time she sees or hears a plane, which is a lot because we're near the airport and REALLY near the hospital's helicopter pad
- Will no longer do "So Big" or point to her nose on command except very occasionally. Those are so 11 months and she's not your circus monkey. However, I often wake up to her cheerfully and emphatically identifying my nose when we've given up on getting her back to sleep and are just letting her play between us in the bed at 3AM while we doze.
- Goes to sleep on her own easily every night between 7 and 8pm
- Fails to stay asleep, but usually goes back down pretty easily
- Will not sleep well anywhere but in her own crib
- Snuggles any stuffed animal within reach
I know everything is a stage, but she is SO EASY right now. She is happy all the time, sleeping reasonably well (last night excepted), too young for things like discipline and opinions (other than I WANT THAT CELL PHONE/DOG FOOD/TOILET BOWL CLEANER/BLEACH NOW) but old enough to entertain herself and be really fun to play with. Also, cute.
"Helps get her arms through the arm-holes" Seriously?! Wow, I am so excited for that milestone, I can hardly contain myself.
If you decide to go dairy-free, let me know. I'm a bountiful source of that sort of information. Unfortunately.
My sister had those massive circles under her eyes and they went away when the doctor told my parents to give her more protein. With my cousin it was a hypersensitivity to dairy. Way easier to add meat and peanut butter (ohs noes not peanuts!) than to eliminate dairy. I speak from experience. I miss cheese.
Well, the help is grudging and incompetent, but she at least knows what's coming after the head-hole.
I've been surreptitiously giving Dylan nuts already because I wanted to make sure she was getting enough protein. I am proud to say she LOVES cashews. I think I'll do a halfhearted dairy avoidance and see how that goes.
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