"See, if there's three of them, it's like, do you want to play with me? No, you don't want to play. Well then you want to play. Play play play play play! play! play! play play."
Another treat from the Lilac Festival: a DanceHeads booth (motto: no talent required). It is a bizarre world out there.
Daycare sent home a framed Dylan footprint with a poem on it for Mother's Day. Happy Mother's Day, Mom and Mom-in-Law. We made and ate our favorite weekend breakfast to celebrate, fried potatoes with pepper and onion, scrambled eggs with tomato, toast, oj, and hot chocolate. Anyone who stays with us is free to request this breakfast, along with complimentary toiletries and use of the shower. Our Mother's Day card (it's all about us, you know):
Kate (while holding diaper bag on shoulder): "Where is the diaper bag?"
Later that day, the view from the couch:
And Aaron's view:
Their numbers mushroomed to four (five?) at one point:
Dylan enjoyed the show from her stroller,
But would like to be kept apprised of who is pushing her, please.
Actually what I said was:
"See, if there's three of them, it's like, 'do you want to play with me? Play play play play play! play! play! play play. No, you don't want to play. Well then you want to play. Play play play play play! play! play! play play. No, you don't want to play. Well then you want to play.' Repeat times infinity."
what game is that??
The game is Lego Star Wars II: The Original Trilogy. I downloaded a demo for my computer. Now I'm hooked and bought the game.
Good choice Aaron. I rented it twice for the 360 but since i'm getting a macbook pretty soon i'm lookin' at buyin' it finally.
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