
Monday, May 21, 2007

Trip Highlights

My conference call on the way to Albany was lengthy, yet inaudible. It wasn't actually a conference call, it was a real life conference, but just I wasn't there. I can only assume that the conference attendees thoughts of me as Charlie on Charlie's Angels.

We had a good time at Uncle Josh's graduation. Such a good time, in fact, that the graduate got jealous looking up into the stands. There were a lot of people pacing with babies at the periphery of the auditorium. Dylan made friends with a 15-month-old who tried to push her away in the stroller. The other baby was with her grandmother, who didn't speak much English, but she could say "Grandmother...tired."

The graduation speaker started off by saying how graduation speeches usually look toward the future with an uplifting message, in apparent contrast to the message she wished to deliver: great civilizations have been brought down before by changes in climate. Seize the day!

The car rides generally went pretty well, with the notable exception of one solid hour of screaming when some of us couldn't fall asleep (luckily not Aaron, who was driving).

Aaron's whole family was there, including three out of Dylan's four grandfathers, so that was a lot of fun. We hadn't been to Albany since we moved away four years ago. I don't know where Aaron and I picked up our respective plague/TB problems, but I apologize to everyone who had to be around us during our zombie-like period over the weekend.

We had to swing by Ithaca to get Snuffy from Camp Eisenberg. My brother kept saying "It smells like updog." Aaron, my mom, and I all belligerently asked what he was talking about until he lamented to his friend (via the internet on his headset, if you need a nerdy visual) that we wouldn't ask "what's updog?"

Just before we got home we saw a bumper sticker that said "Revolutionary War Vet." Discuss.

Pictures to come.