
Tuesday, June 10, 2008


Aaron has been out of town since Sunday morning. 5:30am Sunday if you want to be exact, as those of us who drove him to the airport were required to be. If I had mentioned it earlier I was concerned that ruffians would descend on our house, knowing that the patriarch was gone, so I can only safely reveal his absence now that he is back. Thankfully, he learned a lot of detailed statistical methods that he has enthusiastically relayed to me in all their great detail.

Dylan and I went to the airport this afternoon to pick him up after an exceptionally cranky day on her part. At least, she was cranky for me, she always seems to be an angel at daycare on those kinds of days. While we waited she was writhing around unhappily on a bench, whining all the while. When Aaron came into view it took me a while to get her attention over all the cranking, but eventually I succeeded. She saw him and screamed DADDY at the top of her lungs and sprinted over to the glass security wall that he was on the other side of. The whole crowd of people waiting there started cracking up. She couldn't actually get to him for a while because the glass wall is sort of long and he is a slow-moving kind of guy, but eventually they had a joyous reunion. Aaron says it's nice that she can remember stuff for more than 24 hours (like her father, for example).


Anonymous said...

What statistical techniques did Aaron learn?

Aaron said...

The three good methods sessions I went to were titled:

Dealing with Endogeneity & Selection Bias

Addressing Selection Bias in Observational Studies (similar to the above session, but included propensity score methods as well as IV methods, while the above session was an in-depth look at IV methods)

Hierarchical Linear Modeling

I bet you the commenter have used these methods.

bleisenblog said...

Hey! You two! Shoo! Go on now, out of the comments, both of you.