
Tuesday, December 09, 2008

Plan B

I would have shown you a photo to illustrate Plan B (the toddler sleep intervention, not the emergency contraceptive), but I try to avoid going within a 10 foot radius of Dylan's room when she's asleep. This makes it hard to get to the bathroom or my bedroom, but the ninja moves are totally worth it. And they probably will come in handy someday. They're already on my resume at any rate. Anyway, clued in by the out-of-character sleep while traveling, we decided Dylan was having some anxiety specific to her own bed and switched it out with the futon. It has really helped, and she's starting to settle in at night again. It's still going to be ugly around here for a few weeks because she has forgotten how to get herself to sleep in the evening and she is still waking up quite a bit at night. Okay, enough with the sleep posts, I promise, they're even more boring when the kid is two.

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