
Saturday, October 11, 2008

20 more days

Not that I'm counting. This week was hard. I didn't see Dylan for three days and I was feeling generally incompetent for much of the week. A friend suggested a cheer leading session to psych myself up at the beginning of the day. So I suggested that it would be more helpful if I could call her for a cheer leading session when I got up at 5:00am, but she demurred. I decided yesterday that I would just be more confident in the absence of any increase in skill or knowledge, and that actually did help. Part of the problem is that there is not much a medical student can do to be helpful during a surgery ("here, let me take that scalpel, I'm sure I would have an easier time figuring out what this ominous looking mass in this gentleman's abdomen is") so it's not always obvious to anyone what our role should be.


On an unrelated note, have you seen this blog? Awesome.


Gillianboudreau@hotmail.com said...

I really had to stew that blog over or "think" about it.

bleisenblog said...

"ha ha"