
Wednesday, August 01, 2007


4:45am: Dylan up

5:00am: Attempt to deal with baby without waking Aaron for help.

5:15am: Wake Aaron for help. Dylan back down.

7:30am: Dylan up-->Kate up

7:45am: Run to school and back to get a file I need right now.

8:00am: Aaron leaves. E-mail file to Buffalo while getting breakfast for Dylan.

9:30am: Wrestle Dylan down for nap.

10:30am: Conference call. Alternates between boring and Kate-grilling.

11:25am: Dylan up.

11:30am: Conference call over.

11:45am: Dylan to daycare.

12:00pm: Grab lunch, walk Snuffy.

12:15pm: Leave for meeting across town.

12:45pm: Meeting. Alternates between boring and Kate-grilling.

2:15pm: Set foot in office. Work work work.

3:15pm: Back home. Attempt to burn database file to CD because it is apparently too subversive to e-mail. Fail.

3:30pm: Leave for meeting at airport(!)(?)

3:45pm: Cleverly notice traffic on highway. Decide alternate route is a smart idea.

4:00pm: It was not.

4:15pm: Hold meeting on bench at AirTran terminal. Slightly less boring and Kate-grilling than earlier encounters.

4:45pm: Whisk Dylan away from daycare.

5:00pm: Commence Nightly Hour of Whining.

6:15pm: Successfully burn CD.

6:45pm: Drag family to post office to mail CD before closing time. Buy cool aluminum water bottle to salvage outing.

8:00pm: Dylan down.

8:13pm: Hot.

8:27pm: Hot.

8:46pm: Hot.

9:02pm: Slightly less hot. Rush to rapidly darkening park to exercise Snuffy. Fail due to dog's poor night vision and subsequent inability to fetch.

10:30pm: Kate down.

10:45pm: Dylan up.

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