The mountains (or "Rockies," if you want to get technical) in CO = really cool. Except for the constant mind boggling dehydration, which makes it difficult to exist. Suddenly the not-the-heat-the-humidity seems downright moisturizing. The swarms of dogs and bike trails are exciting though.
When I'm not around Dylan and Aaron apparently spend their days racing from one fun activity to the next, and visitors descend like locusts. So it's not clear that Dylan really noticed I was gone, or else just accepted the old "up up sky plane blah blah" without question. However, once I got back it DID seem to occur to her that hey, I haven't seen YOU for a while, some clinging is definitely in order. We Skyped a couple times while I was gone, which helped me a lot anyway.
Planes in miniature turn out to be popular around here. Sorry the hand model I keep hiring is a little chunky.
And a little something for Aaron as well
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