
Saturday, September 06, 2008


After Monday, last week actually went really well. I am mainly working with the same doctor for last week and next week, and she is really pushing me, very kindly, to get back into things as quickly as I can. Once I got a little oriented I felt a lot better, and now I really am enjoying myself for the most part, and learning a lot. I just have so many things that I am involved with from grad school and just from being around here for so long that I am working all the time right now, so I am going to have to figure out a way to cut back a bit. I imagine I am really fun to live with right now. (Hi Aaron!)


And now, a list of things Dylan is confused about:
-Pooh Bear, name thereof (she insists that it's Poop Bear)
-"Kate" versus "cake"
-If Mommy is named Kate, then is Daddy also named Kate? Everyone else around here seems to be named Kate. (Hi Kate and Kate! Thanks for the book, Minnesota Kate, she LOVES it! It lives in the teepee.)
-Dogs under 40lbs, species thereof (she thinks they're cats)


And now for the official poll results: Snuffy it is. Okay, dog, get over here and start typing. I'm sure we can work out some kind of adaptive solution for your big fluffy paws and the wee keyboard keys. Maybe you could collaborate with the monkeys? A special thanks to those of you who voted for me to quit blogging and work more.

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