
Saturday, March 03, 2007

BabyFatReport 3.3.07

Head Circumference: Didn't tell us
Height: 27 inches (90-95th percentile)
Weight: 16 pounds (~50th percentile)

We were at the pediatrician's office for an hour and a half. Diagnosis: perfect. I myself get diagnosed that way all the time, so I wasn't surprised. The FOUR shots did not go over well and we are still suffering the consequences.

Vaccinations aside, Dylan is really fun right now. She is playful and responsive and cheerful a lot of the time. She has started really trying to communicate with us and will deliberately yell or babble to get us to respond to her. She can sit up on her own for longer and longer stretches, which makes it easier for her to play.

Her napping and nighttime sleep are pretty variable. Sometimes they're great, but a lot of the time we have trouble getting her enough sleep, which leads to much crankiness all around. She can flip over, but she prefers not to, so she is essentially still immobile. She has stopped putting herself to sleep for the most part, so that sucks.

She is doing great with people she doesn't know right now. She is charming and smiley and it's very sweet. How nice for her and them. Because we've noticed that she starts whining the minute she catches sight of me. Sometimes I have to leave the room so she'll stop.

We're beyond the all-sleep-deprivation-all-the-time phase by a long while, but taking care of her is still exhausting and we are tired all the time. Conveniently, I noticed I have a refill on the Vicodin so I should hardly notice.

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