
Sunday, March 11, 2007

Rocky was Here

We ditched Snuffy for the week because we weren't sure how much I could handle after the surgery. We are consequently in Ithaca to fetch him this weekend. Reports came back all week about odd patches of destruction throughout the house that were at first attributed to Snuffy, although subsequent investigations have revealed that a squirrel was also living in the house all week. The squirrel forced us out of our traditional basement lair, which led to an unfortunate and sleep-deprived night. The moral is: I am grumpy. Hearing Aaron squeal over the baby monitor when it scampered on a pipe above his head almost makes up for it though. The squirrel was apprehended in the night and is now running free in the outskirts of Ithaca.

I hope Snuffy doesn't want his bed back

What's the wrist version of a cankle?

Dylan thinks you are a giant lollipop

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