Well, first I recommend play doh. It is satisfyingly squishy if you need something to wail on, and you can make models of internal organs to study while you're at it!
Next, I recommend having a Relaxation TeePee that remains set up in your living room at all times. Everyone needs a private refuge. [ed note: "private" is loosely defined here]
Combining 1 & 2 will yield maximal results
Third, try having Snuffy sleep at your feet. Works every time. [Caution: if used improperly this leads to having Snuffy sleep diagonally across 2/3 of the bed and on top of all the blankets]
Speaking of refuges, your bed must be a place of calm and comfort. As Snuffy will tell you. For me, the addition of bars adds a feeling of safety and security.
Finally, shoveling chocolate chip cookies into one's gaping maw by the fistful never hurt anyone.
Don't thank me now, wait until you are reaping the benefits of your soothing, play doh encrusted teepee. You're welcome!
1 comment:
Hang in there!! :) Nice to talk to you the other night! Hope to see you next week sometime! -Kate D.
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