
Thursday, November 12, 2009

I'll see your yuck and raise you one disgusting

You know what is (presumably) grosser than reading about my cervix? Reading about Snuffy's anal fissure. The vet said that the collar drives most dogs crazy for a few days, then they get used to it and it's fine. That's not really Snuffy's MO. He will morosely accept whatever it is you have to do to him, then continue to be morose until you stop doing it. I had to have a baggie to carry all his meds home.


Gillianboudreau@hotmail.com said...

Oh dear! Poor Snuffs. And Bleisenbergs.

Anonymous said...

Poor Snuffy. He looks sad but cute in his collar. Maybe a baby cookie monster will cheer him up.

V said...

has he been prescribed peanut butter PRN?

bleisenblog said...

He's doing a lot better already and is being good so doesn't need the collar much. Which is good since he can't drink with it on. He gets his pills in peanut butter, plus the jars to lick, so that's some consolation.

Anonymous said...

Better than one of the human members of the Bleisenberg clan having an anal fissure....