5:30AM: Dylan fever --> Dylan up --> Kate up --> 5:45AM: Snuffy & Aaron up --> 5:46AM everyone back down
6:30AM: Dylan up --> Kate up --> Snuffy up
7:00AM: Frantically text Snuffy's girlfriend to come over to keep dog out of hair
7:15AM: Aaron up (grudgingly)
8:01AM: Dada?
8:05AM: DADA?
8:10AM: Dylan breakfast = two bites of peanut butter
8:15AM: Whip up sick day self pity cake
8:45AM: It worked! Mochi arrives
9:20AM: Realize it's not just Dylan who is sick --> pout
10:30AM - 12:00PM: Make Aaron come home and watch Dylan while I try and fail to do one of my interviews at the clinic
12:15PM: Dylan down for nap --> workworkworkworkwork
1:30PM: Dylan up
2:00PM: Offer lunch --> Dylan eats two bites of peanut butter
2:00PM: Do not attempt previously planned interview at clinic
2:01 - bedtime: Dylan cranky from a) fever and b) not eating
2:30PM: Interpreter calls to push back interview scheduled for later in the afternoon
3:00 - 4:00PM: Very Important conference call
3:00 - 4:00PM: Dylan whines, clings, and yells --> judicious use of mute button
4:59PM: Kate takes Snuffy out for a trudge through the tundra
5:00PM: Interpreter calls house to cancel interview (tally for the day: 0 for 4)
5:15PM: Delicious quesadillas for Kate & Aaron; Dylan declines food
5:30PM: Attempt to drop car off for oil change --> car fails to start
6:15PM: Dylan desperately points to her crib
6:16PM: Dylan asleep
6:30PM: Aaron purchases fancy car charger thingy that plugs into formerly known as cigarette lighter thingy
6:45PM: Determine that new car charger does not hold any charge for any amount of time
7:00PM: Determine that Lowes does not sell automotive equipment of any kind, despite jumper cables on offer on website
7:30PM: Kate exchanges car charger and buys longer jumper cables
8:00PM: Try to open icy icy hood --> fail
8:30PM: Start charging car charger in hopes that it will be charged and work tomorrow with no need to open hood
9:00PM: Aaron notes miniscule amount of cake remaining --> manages to dodge uppercut
Tell me this child is not some kind of evil elf