
Sunday, November 04, 2007

It's like Where's Waldo but with Aaron

Last night Aaron went out around 7pm to help out his former boss at the bakery with a "computer problem." The question is, what is the nature of the illicit activity in which he is taking part? The obvious answer is an affair with the ex-boss, but I'm entertaining other possibilities. Drug mule? Hunting endangered species? Violating copyright protections? Maybe he is helping illegal immigrants cross the Canadian border? Running a puppy mill? Smuggling antiquities? Your comments and suggestions welcome.

This week we have been experimenting with the correct number of persons per bottle of wine. We started with 3 ppl/bottle Friday night. Saturday we moved on to two. In my family this generally disintegrates into bottles per person, but we're not there yet. I have to say that Aaron didn't really pull his weight last because of the embezzling or whatever.


"Did you see the VOTE LIBERTARIAN sign across the street?"

"Yeah, aren't they all about not telling people what to do?"


Gillianboudreau@hotmail.com said...

I am such a terrible lightweight now that we actually had to purchase a wine vacuum pump because there is no way that a bottle of wine will be consumed in one night if it is just me and Dave. Now I drink prune juice instead and wear orthopedic shoes.

Gillianboudreau@hotmail.com said...

In case it wasn't clear the pump seals the wine so you can drink it the next day if necessary. Wine vacuum pump just sounded wierd by itself

bleisenblog said...

The sad truth is we have a wine sealer thingy too. It had to be called into use last night, Aaron.

Aaron said...

You know, if you want to continue being able to afford brand new shoes for your daughter, you may not want to broadcast my mysterious behavior.

Sarah said...

we just stick the cork back into the bottle. and until now I did not realize how un-classy that is.

bleisenblog said...

Sarah, in addition to un-classy you could also think of it as not having fallen victim to a marketing gimmick.

Aaron, just drumming up business, sweetie.

Annie ~ إني said...

From now on, just pour my share of any alcohol drunk into a big vat until I get home. Mix away, I don't care, it will taste all the sweeter, and you shall easily empty your bottles that way!

And after I arrive and drink it, I can give you a REAL haircut, none of that fancy nonsense.