
Sunday, January 27, 2008


Ever since just before Dylan was born I have had what I believe are technically called Senior Moments. I can't remember why I walked in the room, what I was going to say, or any of the fifteen tidbits I fleetingly think of each day to post about before they fly gleefully out of my head into the golden sunset. This post will be a bit of a hodge podge as I attempt to dredge them out of the depths of my mixed metaphor brain.


Dylan and I have been watching youtube, goldmine of 2-minute whining toddler distraction items. She likes babies and dogs, but some of my favorites so far are this and this. (and mom, your favorite is there too)


Has anyone else heard the ads for Resident Evil on NPR? That's really funny, right, to hear the very serious commentators plugging a zombie movie?


Dylan noticed that we pat the couch or the bed when we want Snuffy to come up, so she's taken to patting chairs or the floor when she wants us to come over to her.


Sol showed us this link, which I think they should have posted on the maternity ward. In fact, I will post it.


Dylan is really talking a lot more, slightly more intelligibly. But it's like having my very own imaginary friend because the minute she gets around anyone else besides Aaron she clams up real quick-like and won't talk unless they spend a good half hour buttering her up.


We have been (obsessively) watching Heroes the past few days. I am finding it oddly addictive.


I am living dangerously (or more accurately, causing Aaron to live dangerously), as Bear Bear #2 is in the wash right now, just as Dylan is going to sleep. She prefers to have both of them in her crib at night, and I have to say it doesn't seem to be going well right now from the sound of the monitor. Send your thoughts to Aaron. He didn't seem to like it this afternoon when I told her to go to Daddy, the one who's always trying to make you go to sleep.


The Two Dog Circus continued unabated throughout the weekend. DOGS DOGS DOGS.

**UPDATE** Bear Bear #2 dried so I surreptitiously tossed him into the hornet's nest. Dylan settled in and went to sleep shortly thereafter, after 45 minutes of having trouble. Coincidence? You decide.


Gillianboudreau@hotmail.com said...

OMG OMG LOVE the furry happy monsters! Michael Stipe trying to manage bipolar monsters! What could be better!? Was this on Sesame St.? I'm surprised I never saw it until now...

bleisenblog said...

I know! I had the same questions. Where was I all this time?