
Wednesday, January 23, 2008

The Food Issue

If you are looking to consume an extra 760 calories today, have I got a suggestion for you.

A regular reader actually went out and bought the nutmeg chocolate (and enjoyed it!), so I thus been inspired to inform you of the food preferences of the whole family. Yes, you have lucked out. That chocolate bar actually served its purpose and lasted the whole week, but Annie was right that I am tired of the nutmeg and I don't think I'll do it again. This week I am trying pear, with slightly less success. Hershey has a few new lines of fancier chocolate and for a while they had one with cocoa nibs that I fancied, but it doesn't seem to be around anymore.

I also like to eat avocado, as much as will fit in my mouth.

We all enjoy this sloppy joe mix when we need a quick meal.

Dylan recommends a nice organic banana with, or as, every meal.

Snuffy cannot honestly endorse his one and only (allowed) food. Yes, he eats it, but only because he occasionally cannot get enough sustenance from Dylan's high chair.

Aaron's taste must be filed under the "weaving back and forth over the border of sanity" category. Several times he has announced that he does not like a food, for example, bagels, then every time I turn around he is eating a, for example, bagel. And then claims he never said he didn't like it. Also, he likes straight blue cheese. And he recently, at the age of 27, ordered a Shirley Temple. The waiter followed my lead and laughed at him.


Anonymous said...

Loyal reader enjoyed the chocolate in 25 hours and still likes the intense nutmeg flavor.

Have you determined what was causing Dylan's stomach ailments? She does look happier and healthier.

Anonymous said...

The Shirley Temple is a Blumkin boy thing. They all do it. Boys, stand up for your rights and don't worry about being scoffed at. - The Mother

bleisenblog said...

No, we still don't know what's going on with her stomach. She's been a lot better lately, but did have a recent relapse.