The sidewalk plow came, yay! I couldn't even get the stoller down the sidewalk anymore. Our street, however, is another story.
Street; Needed: Mr. Plow
I have been really torn about when to give Dylan solids. I know the recommendation is to wait until six months, but I don't think that's based on too much reliable research (the strength of the recommendation is a 'C' on a grading scale). And I think it might help tide her over when I can't feed her as often as she likes. She is giving me lots of signs that she's ready -- she is really interested in watching us eat, the amount of time between meals is getting shorter and shorter, she can put stuff in her mouth on her own, she gets hungry at night when she never used to. There's a chart of how much milk babies who aren't eating solids should be getting in this book I have, Super Baby Food, and she's two pounds heavier than the heaviest weight in the chart.
I eventually decided that the most important thing is that she not be hungry at daycare, so I tried giving her some avocado.
I'm not sure it agreed with her that well -- she had a HUGE poop later that day, which is rare for her, and she was more irritable than usual the rest of the day. I waited a few days, then yesterday tried again with banana. She liked it, but I'm not sure that agreed with her either. I think I'll try sweet potatoes next in another couple days. In any case she LOVES teething biscuits.
The last time I saw Dylan, she tried to eat my hand. Snuffy, watch out.
Doesnt she look kind of like upstanding young Tommy? I feel important every time I read your blog because I figure the hits I give you are more exotic than other people's.
I keep meaning to post a map of where my hits come from. I'll try to do it soon. Don't be gettin' too big for your britches though, miss Ann.
Hey Kate, I know this is a bit late, but it's completely normal for her poops to be bigger when they start eating solid foods. Reason being is that breast milk and formula are both HIGHLY digestible which means there is less waste. Solid foods = variably digestible = more waste product = more poo.
Hang in there!!
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