
Wednesday, October 25, 2006

I may have used Snuffy to wake the baby up

Dylan is still a viking at sleep, going 8+ hours every night. But I am still struggling with absolutely no success to get her bedtime earlier than midnight to one. I think we've gotten her to sleep at 10 or 11 like twice and that's it. One ugly night was 3:40am but we won't ever speak of that again.

As for the diet, I have no clue. I stopped doing it entirely a few days ago and now her poop is sometimes green and sometimes yellow. I give up and I still think she's sensitive to something but I have no idea what but as she keeps getting bigger the gas and pain is getting better so maybe in a month it won't matter at all. She is about to outgrow the 3 month size. She seems huge to me, but I spend a lot of the day carrying her around. A woman at the grocery store the other day told me her kids had never been that small, then said they had been born at 8 pounds. Ha.

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