
Monday, October 08, 2007

All done

Maybe teaching Dylan the sign for "all done" was not the best idea. Don't like what we're having for dinner? All done. Shopping cart? All done. Pants? All done. (amen)

There must be some kind of House Disrepair Equilibrium because now that all that stuff is fixed suddenly many, many other things are not working. In just the last day I have learned that the gutter is broken, the laundry room electricity is fried, and the speakers turn themselves off. For the laundry room I have one extension cord sturdy enough to reach another circuit, so either the washer or the dryer can be on, but not both. And forget about the light. Luckily the 80-degree October heat dries the laundry out real quick like.

As is always the case after a tiring and stressful week, I am sick. I am so predictable. It's my typical brand of consumption. Dylan has taken to imitating my cough and blowing into tissues. On Sunday she was able to correctly identify her mouth, nose, eyes, and ears, but that seems to have passed. She remembers nose and belly button permanently, but the others come and go.

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