
Tuesday, October 16, 2007

Happy Birthday to Grandpas!

I imagine it is impolite to announce people's age (or weight, heh...I was recently told I "had finally slimmed down") on the Internet. I won't name any specific numbers, but both of Dylan's grandfathers turn a nice round number of decades old this month. It is not actually anyone's (who is Dylan's grandfather) birthday today, but I thought we would declare October Dylan's Grandfathers' Birthday Month and be done with it. So happy birthday! You will surely both be receiving thoughtful and tasteful gifts shortly! Sit tight!

To celebrate, one grandfather was whisked off on a trip to Amsterdam, while the other was thrown a party in the living room. The Amsterdam-going grandfather was kept in the dark regarding his destination until he was through security, a feat that impressed us bleisenbergs. The living room dwelling grandfather had his party catered by Dinosaur BBQ, which was popular with Aaron. We were poised to make out big with the leftovers because there is a minimum order to have them deliver to Ithaca from Syracuse, but then the leftovers were left overnight in what turned out to be the Bacteria Nurturing Danger Zone and were deemed inedible, although only after one family member ate them for breakfast.

Dylan is still so proud of herself for walking. She careens around with this huge grin on her face, as I would show you except that the picture uploading function isn't working, so tomorrow.

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